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Bitcoin is the Revolution


BITCOIN IS REVOLUTION Inspired by Eugène Delacroix’s “Liberty Leading the People,” this piece embraces the revolution that Bitcoin represents for humanity. Shifting from unsound money to a healthy alternative will reshape not only our economy but also our culture. Bitcoiners and hodlers are already experiencing profound changes beyond the mere storage of value or transactions. Concepts like ‘low time preference’ and ‘generational wealth’ are gaining significance in every aspect of our lives.


Limited to 256 Prints in 8.5″ x 11″ | 12.95″ x 19.02″

Flo Montoya

Chilean Bitcoin artist



Through different techniques and mediums of expression, searching what Bitcoin will really mean for humanity.

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High Quality Giclée prints by Lisa

Lisa’s Bitcoin Story

“I’ve thought about that first moment when I read about Bitcoin and Blockchain technology…for some reason, in an instant I understood that this was our future and I needed in. That was early 2015. At the time, I was earning $200 a week and considered this “sweat equity” for a business that I would be taking over at the end of the year. I was saving for a car and had almost nothing that I could spare to start stacking SAT’s. To put it into perspective, in August of 2014 arrived in Western Massachusetts with $15 to my name and a bag of clothes. A friend sent me the money to get a one way ticket from North Carolina and I could bring nothing with me…no phone, no vehicle, no credit or bank cards and no cash. To put it mildly, my life up until then was wiped clean of accumulation and I was starting over at the tender age of 53. Bitcoin was like a beacon of light on a very dark night in an angry ocean. I could see the light but had no oars and a leaky boat that could not get me near fast enough. I started DCA’ing $10 a month just to start the accumulation. At the time I think one Bitcoin was around $350. Everything inside of me wanted to buy just one but I had nothing and made just enough to scrape by. As time went on, I was able to increase my purchasing to $25 a month as I knew that Bitcoin was my life line. I can’t explain how I knew that but for some reason the Universe saw fit to show me the future and it’s all I needed to have faith and trust in Bitcoin. I’ve never been so excited about a new technology. I was a software engineer in the 90’s and loved programming. As a result, Bitcoin made perfect sense to me and that is why I jumped fully onboard. I took over a Giclée Printing and Framing business at the end of 2015 and continued my pursuit of happiness by investing in BTC. Now I can’t wait for the day when everything is being transacted in Bitcoin. I love spending my SAT’s and receiving them. If I didn’t have to touch another paper dollar that would make me very happy. I am now a Bitcoin evangelist who sees the world through orange colored glasses.

Weight 0.45359 kg
Dimensions 33.02 × 33.02 × 2.54 cm

8.5" x 11", 12.95" x 19.02"

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